Engineer Brainstorming Session

After brainstorming lots of ideas for the new challenge, we decided we wanted to run them by some engineers. So, we called up all of our sponsors and invited them to an awesome brainstorming party! We invited them to our workspace and gave them the grand tour, which included the hoard of 3D printers (and all they misprints they have created). Then, we got down to business. We showed them the game reveal video for this years challenge and then brought them over to our field. We then went over to the white boards and ran them through all the ideas that we had come up with so far.

Discussing ideas at the whiteboard

After explaining to them how our ideas worked, they gave us advice of how they though our designs could be improved. After improving our designs we started to come up with more designs until we had so many we didn’t know what to do with them all! We then worked on narrowing the designs down based on what we thought would work the best, until we had a couple for each subsystem. These are the designs that we will prototype and eventually create for our robot. It was incredibly helpful to get input from people who work in engineering in the real world. We can’t wait to have another session like this to come up with ideas for future tournaments!

Sitting in a circle with the engineers

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