Our FIRST Robotics Competition friends, KnightKrawler, invited us to attend their Mounds View School District FIRST Fair this past week. Together we, along with the other teams in the district, shared our experiences in FIRST with future robot enthusiasts. Families both in and out of the district came to see the different FIRST programs, as well as participate in cool STEM activities– we were jealous of the kids who got to test science experiments and projects. It looked like they had a blast!
At the beginning of the day, the four robotics teams were all in our separate corners. But at the day progressed, the teams slowly mingled and learned more about each other. This event was a great opportunity for the Mounds View robotics community to grow closer together. We also got to see and learn about the other FRC and FTC robots, which was interesting. They were all so different and fun to look at! It was a wonderful experience to both interact with other robotics teams our the district and talk to families interested in robotics. After the event, we were welcomed with delicious chocolate cake! Thanks again, KnightKrawlers, for putting on this event.