November 10th

Today, we split into two groups: binder and robot.

The two of us who worked on robot finished up our remaining missions. They perfected the tan&grey towers, got back to base, and also created a new program that would make our runs more consistent. In the meantime, I was on the laptop nearby typing binder pages and writing a blog post… yes, this blog post. While we worked, we filled the silence with the soundtrack from Super Mario Galaxy (below).

Meanwhile, the other two of us were upstairs putting together the binder. We had a lot of pictures to paste, documents to print, and a cover to decorate- luckily, the girls upstairs were able to get a lot of it done at this meeting. They also got to chat with my mom as she was cooking chili for dinner. I’m sure it smelled nice in there (then again, they didn’t have an awesome soundtrack to dance to).

Overall, this meeting was very productive. Of course, it was a lot of fun, too!

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