Operation California: Day One

Secret Agents of the Lego League team The Ponytail Posse arrived on scene at the San Diego International Airport at 2:07 pm (California time) today. They were carefully selected to undergo this top-secret mission codename Operation California. They came from the Twin Cities in Minnesota where it was cold and rainy. After their flight, they obtained rental cars to use for their stay. Then the secret agents drove to their hotel rooms. Once they had settled down they ate delicious comidas (food) at P.F. Changs. After their assignment of eating the Chinese food they arrived at the designated checkpoint….THE OCEAN!!! Their job was to test the waters, fight against the waves, and jump into the water every way physically possible. They experienced many new things for a lot of these members had not been to the ocean before. For example, the waves of the water presented a saltiness never experienced before. However, during this job one of the secret agents lost their glasses 🙁  Despite that it was a job well done for day 1, we’ll see what new missions they will encounter tomorrow.

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Signing off: Agents Nancy and Emily

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