After our successful Teen Tech Camp demo at the Maplewood Library, we came back for another one at the Shoreview Library. We introduced a new set of teenagers to FIRST Tech Challenge. After telling them about our program and the other programs in FIRST, we found out that a few of the teenagers were even on FIRST LEGO League teams.
We spoke to the teens about how we built our robot and answered their questions about what materials we used, how long it took, and other general questions about the program we decided it was time to show them Stacy in action! We set up our field and showed them how Stacy worked. We collected the particles and shot them into the center vortex which was a huge source of entertainment for the kids. We even took our chance at capping without our most experienced driver, Rose, and did it successfully!
After the kids watched us drive around we gave them a chance at it! We taught them how to drive it one by one. Once they collected a ball and tried to shoot it into the center vortex, we gave them their very own robot drivers license, which have been quite a hit throughout this summer. After yet another successful Teen Tech Camp we have our last one of the summer in three weeks. We can’t wait to meet with another set of kids and introduce them to the wonderful program!