Video Chat with the Motorbits

Since their first mock judging session, we’ve been in contact with FLL team The Motorbits. We offered to go back for a second round and help with core values judging. However, due to some classic Minnesota weather, we had to stay home and video chat with the team instead of visiting them in person.

The first thing we did was watch them complete a core values exercise. We gave them the task of collaboratively creating something using newspaper and tape. The team worked together well – by the end of the 5 minutes, they had made a bridge featuring rocks (crumpled up paper) underneath and cars driving across it. We told them that they did a good job and advised them to be careful of interrupting each other when planning the solution.

After the exercise, we asked them questions that would be asked in a core values judging session. It was interesting to hear about their method of assigning “leaders” to different parts of FLL, while rotating those leaders every meeting so that everyone would be able to try everything. We made sure they knew the difference between Gracious Professionalism and Coopertition and how to give examples of where they demonstrated each. The Q&A session went well, despite it being over video call rather than talking directly.

Overall, the Motorbits did a great job in their Core Values and we wish them luck at their sectional tournament!

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