World Championship 2017

Some background information: in 2015, the Posse entered and won a social media contest hosted by FedEx. Our prize was an all-expenses-paid weekend in St. Louis to visit the FIRST …

St. Louis World Festival: Day 4

We met the FedEx team bright and early in the FTC pits for a special event. During the competition, various teams there had been participating in the FedEx April Innovation Challenge. …

St. Louis World Festival: Day 3

We woke up bright and early – 6:45am – to meet FIRST VIPs and watch Mr. Dean Kamen (founder of FIRST and inventor of the Segway), Mr. Jim McKelvey (co-founder …

St. Louis World Festival: Day 2

At 8am, we went to America’s Center (where the FLL and FRC tournaments are held) to meet and eat breakfast with the FedEx team that organized our stay. They are …

Operation California: Day 3

Today, the agents, Ponytail Posse, had their first judging of thy skills. They stabbed the surface of victory in their first session: technical judging. But, they conquered at the project judging. …

Operation California: Day 2

Today’s assignment: Scout out the park of legos in a land well-known *ahem* also known as LEGOland. The agents of The Ponytail Posse were handed a form giving them clues to …