FLL Rookie Training

High Tech Kids hosts an annual FLL Rookie training for coaches at our local middle school. At this training, coaches go through a series of stations and learned about programming, research, tournament information, and the missions for this year’s challenge.

In the past our team has helped with this event in the programming aspect, so this year the ladies at High Tech Kids invited us back again to help Jeannie (MN FLL Program Assistant). She went through a presentation about basic programming and had the coaches follow along by dragging blocks to create a program. Some members of Height Differential were also there helping as well, so we mainly focused on the coaches with NXT brains rather than the EV3s since we knew the NXTs better from our previous experience in FLL.

Overall, we were able to help many coaches understand programming even just a little more and the coaches were able to take away a lot of information about FLL in general as well. Also, some asked us more specific questions about making a binder and what you should put in it. We were happy to answer those types of questions and had a great time spending the day teaching FLL!

Rose and Nancy helping FLLers program their robot

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