Magenic Demo 2015

As we have for the past several years, we woke up early one morning to drive to Magenic and set up this year’s demo. Magenic has been a sponsor since our days of FLL and they continue to give us both financial support and opportunities to host fundraisers with their employees. This year, they have donated money and programming laptops, in addition to inviting us to hold a pancake breakfast and root beer float day. We are very grateful for how they have helped us this year and we were inspired to make this season’s demo our best yet.

We woke up bright and early on a Friday morning to clear a meeting room and set up the RES-Q field. This year, in addition to running our robot, we prepared a slide presentation similar to the ones we had done for other companies. The presentation outlined the basics of FIRST and how our lives have changed as a result of the program. Since we’ve done it so many times, the slide presentation went smoothly and we moved along to driving Stacy.
Stacy zipped around the field as Sabriyah and Nancy explained a simplified timeline of our engineering process so far. They described the trials that determined our drive train and showed the debris pusher subsystem at work. We also drove up the mountain, successfully hitting the first two zipline triggers and made it up to the mid zone, bringing a round of applause from our audience.

Magenic also supplied food for a delicious post-demo pizza party, which we enjoyed while going into further discussion with individuals who wanted to know more about our robot. They were impressed with the skills we had learned from FTC and wished us luck with the season.

As always, it was a lot of fun to present at Magenic and we really enjoyed talking with them!

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