Promet Optics Demo

Promet Optics, one of our sponsors, contacted us for a demo a while ago. We were excited to visit them and see what the company does.

The break room where we set up was the perfect size for the half field and mountain. After setting up, the company’s owner, Mr. Koudelka, took us on a short tour. He taught us the very basics of the optical equipment they assemble there and showed us some of the cool tools they used to guarantee precision. In the hallway, there were several shelves of discarded materials like glass prisms and lenses. We dug through the coolest trash ever and we all found a couple souvenirs to take home (Amelie even took an exit sign).

Promet Optics tour

The demo went as usual. We explained what we do and how FIRST has impacted all of our lives. We also showed the employees our robot Stacy and their kids enjoyed driving it around afterwards.

It was a lot of fun to meet Promet and we look forward to working with them in the future!


Cool kid driving the robot

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