Tonight we worked on robot. Seeing that sign only works about 30% of the time, we thought of ways to make it work 100%. Knowing that sensors are always a good thing, we pondered the array of sensors we don’t currently use. We took time to see whether a touch sensor would be activated. In math class, recently we were working with scale factoring. This applies to real life because before a team of constructors build something, they build a smaller diagram of the figure. They do this in order to make sure it is built correctly, plan out their actions instead of just going “freestyle”…
That process is similar to the way we accomplished our work today. Before going through with the full plans we had, we tested our ideas by making models of it, working piece by piece. This was a good work ethic, I think.
After working with the robot, we had our team dinner, where we did “build your own burrito.” It was quite tasty… We, then, worked with some more work values! Following directions! Coach set out step-by-step directions for Amy to retrieve a can of “Squirt.” She accomplished the task. Good job, Amy! 🙂