We arrived at Turtle Lake Elementary school at 11 AM on March 7th. A couple of our team members had gone to school there, so we were excited to volunteer for their annual carnival.
We spent our time split up between the craft room, face painting, and “sweet street”. The craft room consisted of colorful fabric bags, which we handed out to participants, and fabric markers to decorate with. During our time there, we decorated a couple of our own. In the face painting room, we had fun painting everything from butterflies to balloons as the seemingly endless line grew longer. Sweet street was the “cake walk” game with a cuter name; the treats that were featured as prizes included homemade cupcakes and boxes of Girl Scout cookies, among other things.
Volunteering at events that are not FIRST related is something that we have been inspired to do because of the program and we are grateful that we have learned to embrace new volunteering opportunities.